Janesville, WI
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City Council Meetings
Council meetings take place the second and fourth Monday of each month on the fourth floor of City Hall (18 North Jackson Street, room 416) at 6 p.m. If the second or fourth Monday of the month falls on a holiday on which City Hall is closed, the Council meeting will be held on the following Tuesday at 6 p.m.
If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you may watch Council meetings live on the second and fourth Monday of each month:
- On JATV cable channel 994
- Stream live or on demand through the internet on the city website.
- Council meetings are also rebroadcast on JATV. Please check the daily program listing in the Janesville Gazette, visit the JATV website, or call (608) 758-5822 to find out when the meeting will be rebroadcast.
- To view archived and upcoming agenda materials or archived videos, please visit the agenda materials and video section of the website. A copy of the current agenda can also be found in the Lobby of City Hall (18 N. Jackson Street), at Hedberg Public Library (316 S. Main Street) and at the Rock County Clerk's Office (51 S. Main Street).
At least four members of the seven-member Council must be present to make up a quorum. The City Clerk "calls the roll", and if a quorum is present, the Council may begin to transact the City's business. A printed agenda lists the Council's business. Agendas are available online the Friday prior to each council meeting. The Council proceeds item by item through the agenda. Each item listed is read by the Council President or City Clerk-Treasurer. Each item is presented by the City Manager or staff members. As Council consideration of each item ends, the Council votes to approve; reject; refer for further study; continue until a later meeting; table; or take other action on the item.
Public Speakers
Everyone is welcome to speak at City Council meetings.
- An item at the beginning of the meeting is “Public comments on items on the Agenda not requiring a public hearing and on matters which can be affected by Council action.”
- Individuals who wish to speak at the Council meeting have four minutes to address both the items on that night's agenda which do not have a public hearing and items not on that evening’s agenda but which involves the Council.
- If there is a public hearing for an agenda item, individuals would speak to that topic during the agenda item’s public hearing.
Except for public hearings, all individuals wishing to speak during a Council meeting must sign in with their name and address before the beginning of the meeting. Persons who would like to provide hand-outs to the Council should deliver them to the Clerk-Treasurer prior to the start of the meeting.
Public Hearing(s)
Residents may speak without registering with the City Clerk but may express opinions only on the specific public hearing subject matter.